Don’t miss the moment

Jess Cooper

We are in the middle of redecorating our house, we moved in a few weeks ago, and the previous owners were an elderly couple and the decor reflected their taste, but not ours.

For the first time our little boy will have his own room and this brings all sorts of emotions. My husband Matt, is a “get on with it” type person, he is happy to get it done quickly and swiftly. I, on the other hand, love a drawn out process, with decorating I like to take my time. We decided this week that we would paint the nursery for the little one to move into. Matt said “Well, if we paint today, then we can move him in tomorrow”.

NO!” I immediately blurted out. He looked at me…knowing there was more that I wanted to say. “No,” I continued “I want to take my time, I want to put the curtains up, put the art on the wall, make it feel nice and ready”. Now in reality, our little one probabaly won’t notice the colour or the art on the wall; he will none the wiser…but I will. I wanted the experience, the moment, of getting the room ready. Upon reflection, I am doing this more for my own mental health than anyone else's. I needed time, space and moments to process him moving into his own room - no longer sleeping next to me in his crib but in the room next door, which might as well be in another country, it feels so far away! The way I am feeling, isn't logical, it doesn't make sense but I have decided to give myself permission to have a moment.

Life moves fast. All the time, we are rushing from one thing to the next: meetings, social gatherings, church, work, shopping. I would like to encourage you, that if there is something that feels big going on in your life, and you feel like you need a “moment” — take it, have it and embrace it.
Even if no one else can understand, thats ok.

Have your moment.

-Written by Jess Cooper

December 10, 2024

Don’t miss the moment

Jess Cooper

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