Kintsugi Hope Youth Wellbeing Groups

In 2022, 18.0% of children aged 7 to 16 years and 22% of young people aged 17 to 24 years had a probable mental disorder*

Kintsugi Hope Youth are fully committed to empowering local people to invest in and equip their young people with tools and techniques to look after their wellbeing. We work through partnering with local Christian organisations. In partnership with these organisations, most of our work will fall into 4 categories:

Kintsugi Youth 4 step graphic: Invest, Equip, Create, Break


We have created a 6 week wellbeing group programme that runs in schools, youth groups, drop ins and pupil referral units. These sessions have been written using 7 different learning styles, so they can be tailored to fit your context and not just a one size fits all approach

The topics we look at are – honesty, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, shame & anger.

We have optional extra topics of resilience, healthy relationships, forgiveness, and disappointment & loss.

To run these groups, your organisation needs to partner with us - we call this becoming a partner organisation (more on that later.) Once you are considered a partner organisation, have level two safeguarding, a valid DBS and experience in youth work, you will be able to get trained through our online training platform, which takes approx. 3 hours. Once you have trained, you are able to run your youth wellbeing groups.

The goal of these groups is to create a safe space for young people to come, to process life and to be equipped with practical tools to look after their wellbeing in the long term. The beauty about these groups is that, through the conversations the young people have, deep and lasting friendships are born that last after the 6 week course.

We have had over 1,500 young people going through these wellbeing groups. With over 170 groups run, 60% of these have been in schools.

To hear testimonies & stories from our youth groups, click here.


In April 2023, we successfully ran our first ever Kintsugi Hope Youth Weekend Away: “The Retreat” in Suffolk. The idea of this retreat was for youth groups to come away together to participate in fun, adventurous activities, as well as meaningful and thought-provoking sessions. We designed the weekend in a way that empowered the friendships in the youth groups to grow and develop.

45% of the young people in attendance believed this weekend improved their overall wellbeing.

Our plan for the years to come is to run 3 youth retreat events every year in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

"The kintsugi retreat was engaging, uplifting and made it easy for our young people to explore mental health, not to mention they had an absolute blast!"

Youth Worker who attended the pilot weekend


We have produced assemblies in line with the topics of our wellbeing groups. Our partner organisations have access to using & delivering these assemblies in their schools. We are also happy to come and deliver them in partnership with you.


Throughout the year we deliver bespoke training & events for youth workers, teachers, parents and guardians on topics surrounding youth mental health and wellbeing.

We also deliver talks to young people at festivals, conferences and schools around topics of wellbeing, faith, social media and life as a teenager.

When you partner with us, you have priority in booking us for these bespoke training and speaking engagements.

Becoming a partner organisation

Kintsugi Hope works through partnerships. We are working with Church’s and Christian organisations across the UK and would love to work with you too.

To partner with us and to gain access to everything mentioned above, you will need to apply. This process checks that you have a safeguarding policy in place and all the relevant paperwork and procedures.

We also ask for a financial contribution. We understand times are hard and due to one of our values being generosity, we don’t set a price for the contribution but ask you to put a value on what we offer.

If you have any worries or concerns about this or have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask:

Email us

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